Public Speaking On Branding
For branding that achieves tangible, measurable results look no further

Bijal Patel
Bijal Patel, the passionate, positive and relentless Founder & CEO of LAUNCH, a world-class business and brand strategy coaching company, has a strong track record for coaching entrepreneurs to their fullest potential. She has helped scale hundreds of businesses with her unique Coaching style combined with brilliant methods.
Honored as a “Houston Power Woman”, Bijal received a coveted distinction for being an industry leader and gamechanger, with 15 years of Business, Strategy, and Design experience.
She is humbled and honored to have spoken on numerous live stages, virtual events, panels, and within elite-level client masterminds, delivering fiery and high-energy presentations that are chalk full of strategy, value, belief shifting, and actionable steps.
Bijal speaks around the world to established online business
owners to help them create their own passionate and ultra
successful business.
Branding is THE Most Underutilized Business Tool
Let me share how with your Audience!
Create a Sticky Brand:
With a Raving Fan Base that keeps Buying
Now it’s Personal:
Branding Secrets that Elevate
Personas into Leadership Figures
Branding Foundations 101:
Top 10 Steps to build for Long-term
Brand Success

Creating an 8 Figure Entrepreneurial Mindset
Hear the priceless Life, Business, & mindset insights I learned from my mentor, Chris A Evans during a $10,000, 3 hour mastermind session I took with him on a jet.