3 Ways For Your Business To Create A BIGGER Impact TODAY

Do you know the BIGGER PICTURE purpose of your business? Beyond cash flow, ROI, and sales?

Many business owners say “Impact.” While we feel that and respect that, it’s simply not enough. You can see an article from Work It Daily about Why Purpose-Driven Brands Are Successful. Think about Tesla, Zoom, Google (insert links)… 

People are done being “marketed” to… They want connection, passion, and purpose behind their decisions, and YOU have the power to bring that to them through your content and messaging…

Once you ARE clear on the purpose behind your brand, you need to share it often. This isn’t just about showing off your mission/vision without taking action (we will not stand for that here), but rather FULLY tapping into your purpose, and intentionally amplifying that energy to flow THROUGH your brand, rather than “someday” being “big enough” to have the “luxury.”

So, here are 3 simple ways for you to create an impact with your purpose… TODAY:

1. Get REALLY clear on who you’re helping, and WHY.

Think about the big movements/causes that you can connect your mission/vision with. Create a more personal initiative like for example, Launch seeks to help moms, minorities, and women-owned businesses and make a difference in creating world-class brands for small businesses. Having a clear understanding of your purpose and your WHY helps you attract and keep customers who love what you’re doing. It doesn’t end there, attracting customers is not the end goal, but leading them to take action is. So one way you can encourage them is by having a really compelling message that will hook them to click the button / get into the call with you.

2. Think of the intangible benefits your brand and business offer.

Identify the benefits that you offer and share stories about how you changed people’s lives with it. Knowing these intangible benefits of your brand means you can align your messaging, and your positioning to help you build a solid audience and attract people who are in need of what you can do. Branding can change people’s perception of your business, it can drive new leads to your door, and increase your ROI exponentially so you have to laser-sharpen what kind of value will people get from your business and create a moat around it.

3. Complete the sentence “Here at ________ (Your brand), we believe in… (state your purpose).” NOW GO SHARE THAT MESSAGE. 

You have to HAVE a clear brand purpose because it’s going to help your brand stand out in a very saturated marketplace. Your clients are more likely to choose a brand that aligns with their values and beliefs not only that it increases inbound leads, but it will also guide your team’s decision-making to align with a common goal and create a sense of focus and direction for your brand in terms of your marketing and social media efforts.

Listen, whether you are ready to work on it or not, doesn’t matter… What matters is that you get OUT there, and spread your light… this world needs YOU, and when you succeed, you are trail-blazing the way for others. Even business-savvy resources like Work It Daily are saying – that your brand’s purpose is critical for making a difference in the competitive marketplace today and it’s required for those who want to get to the next level. 

So, are you in?

Learn more on how you can build a world-class brand with magnetizing brand messaging and increase your inbound leads on our Winter Brand Intensive on Feb 1 – 2nd, 2024 with a powerful roster of speakers who founded and built multi-figure businesses that you don’t want to miss out on!


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